Talks & Lectures
Many JGS members have experience and expertise on Japanese gardens which they are happy to share by giving us talks and virtual presentations organised by our regional groups.
Our Annual Conference is organised by the National Committee and enables us to invite internationally recognised experts, including those based in Japan, to share their knowledge.
All members are welcome to attend any event and guests may also join us.
See the events calendar below for details of forthcoming national and regional events.
Virtual events via Zoom
Covid-19 restrictions have prompted us to move many of our events online, and these have proved to be very popular. Many more members have been able to enjoy our virtual events as they are accessible to those living across the UK and abroad.
Recent talks have included virtual garden tours in the UK, Europe and Japan. Other subjects have featured stone lanterns, the tea ceremony and a very popular ‘gardeners question time’ section.
Virtual events are here to stay!