Our shared interest in Japanese Gardens

The Society welcomes amateurs and professionals, garden lovers and garden designers who are interested in Japanese gardens and who wish to share their interests with other like-minded people.
Each region organises events to which any JGS member is welcome to attend. These events include garden visits, workshops, lectures, both real and virtual and social events as well as an AGM. 

We are looking to provide a forum for members to share ideas and advice mainly around helping each other to build our own Japanese style gardens. 
We also have a large back catalogue of articles from our journal Shakkei which we will be making available to members on-line. 

We are a national Society with six regional groups located around the UK.

Our regional representatives can be emailed:

South East                                   southeast@jgs.org.uk
South West                                  southwest@jgs.org.uk
Midlands                                       midlands@jgs.org.uk
North West                                  northwest@jgs.org.uk
Yorkshire & NE         yorkshireandhumber@jgs.org.uk
Scotland                                          scotland@jgs.org.uk